All notable changes and release notes for LGSVL Simulator will be documented in this file.
[2020.03] - 2020-04-03#
- Velodyne VLP-16 and VLP-32C support through custom LiDAR sensor plugin
- Support for LiDAR sensor plugin with direct UDP socket interface
- Support for point cloud environment rendering
- Extensible vehicle dynamics
- Functional Mockup Interface 2.0 (FMI 2.0) interface for vehicle dynamics
- Support for fisheye camera lens distortion
- Support for sensor_msgs/NavSatFix message type for GPS messages in ROS2
- Vehicle Odometry sensor for reporting steering angles and velocity in ROS2
- Upgraded to Unity 2019.3.3f1
- Fixed black artifacts in Linux bug
- Fixed display issues in Unity Editor bug
- Fixed camera sensor invalid data bug
- 3D Ground Truth sensor now generates different ID for vehicle after each respawn
[2020.01] - 2020-01-31#
- Controllable Object plugin support, dynamically add and control Controllables with the Python API
- Ability to create LIDAR sensor with non-uniform beam distribution
- Ability to add distortion effects to Camera sensors
- Support for Autoware.Auto messages (ROS2)
- Ability to create custom message types for sensor plugins
- TransformSensor which can act as a parent for other sensors
- VehicleStateSensor which is needed by Autoware.Auto
- Added SanFrancisco map as a default map option
- Allow null texture bundles without an error
- Pedestrian mass reduced to 70kg
- Fixed lagging of 2D Ground Truth boxes (in visualization and data)
- ComfortSensor included with Simulator binary
- TrafficCone included with Simulator binary
- Fixed exported HD map lane relations
- Fixed ROS2 GPS
[2019.12] - 2020-01-21#
- Custom callback for Python API, useful in sensor plugins.
- Ability to specify count and types of NPCs to spawn on the map.
- Optimized texture usage in maps - significantly reduces size on disk and GPU memory used.
- Allow boundary type to be optional for Apollo HD map import.
- Fix Python API to be able load maps & vehicles that are shared between multiple users.
- Separated bundle file format version for map and vehicle bundles.
- Improved headlights for EGO vehicles.
- Improved HD map annotation icons.
- Fixed Sedan NPC mesh.
[2019.11] - 2019-11-19#
- OpenDrive 1.4 HD map import.
- Rain drops on ground when it is raining.
- Separated Apollo HD map export between version 3.0 and 5.0 to support 5.0 specific features.
- Cache vehicle prefabs when loading same vehicle multiple times into simulation.
- Ability to login to account via command-line.
- Ability for vehicle to have multiple interior lights. Fixes #474.
- Allow Color, Depth and Semantic cameras to have higher capture & publish rate.
- Building & loading custom sensors as plugins.
- Fixed traffic lights signal colors on Shalun map.
- Fixed exceptions when NPCs are despawned while still in intersection.
- Fixed errors when adding pedestrian to map without NavMesh.
- Fixed Lanelet2 boundary import and export.
- Multiple fixes for OpenDrive import and export.
- Fixed wrong raycast layers in 2D Ground Truth sensor to detect if NPC is visible.
- Fixed missing timestamp when publishing ROS/Cyber messages from 2D Ground Truth sensor.
- Limit number of spawned NPCs and vehicles for large maps.
[2019.10] - 2019-10-28#
- Apollo HD map import
- Accurate sun position in sky based of map location. Including time of sunrise and sunset.
- Control calibration sensor to help calibrating AD stack control.
- Ported Shalun map from previous non-HDRP simulator version.
- Ground Truth sensor for traffic light.
- Python API method to get controllable object by position.
- Python API method to convert multiple map coordinates in single call.
- Python API method to perform multiple ray-casts in single call.
- Sensor for controlling vehicle with steering wheel (Logitech G920).
- Platform independent asset bundles (Windows and Linux).
- Allow to set custom data path for database and downloaded bundles.
- Visualize data values for non-image senors (GPS, IMU, etc).
- Populate scene with required objects when new scene is created in Unity Editor.
- Fixed exceptions in ROS Bridge where if it receives message on topic that it has not subscribed.
- Fixed 3D Ground Truth sensor to report correct NPC orientation angles.
- Fixed Radar sensor to visualize pedestrians.
- Fixed Color camera to render mountains in BorregaAve.
- Fixed EGO vehicle collision callback to Python API.
- Fixed WebUI redirect loop that happens if you are logged out.
- Fixed reported NPC vehicle speed. Fixes #347 and #317.
- Fixed gear shifting for EGO vehicle control. Fixes #389.
- Fixed NPC waypoint following where NPCs stopped if assigned speed is too low.
- Fixed semantic segmentation for vehicles and pedestrians added with Python API.
- Fixed ROS2 message publishing (seq field was missing in Header). Fixes #413.
- Fixed issue with database on some non-English locales. Fixes #381.
- Fixed point cloud generation in Unity Editor.
- Fixed browser loosing cookie when session ends in WebUI.
- Fixed slowness in Python API when running without access to Internet.
- Fixed issue when multiple users could not use same map url.
- Improved error messages when simulation fails to start.
[2019.09] - 2019-09-06#
- Sensor visualization UI
- HD map export to OpenDrive 1.4 format
- ROS service support for ROS bridge
- Python API to support more robust waypoints for NPC vehicles
- Python API with ability to control traffic lights on map
- Hyundai Nexo vehicle
- Improved NPC movement and right turns on red traffic light
- Fixed NPC vehicle despawning logic so they don't get stuck in intersections
- Change NPC vehicles colliders from box to mesh to improves collision precision
- Updated generated protobuf message classes for latest Apollo 5.0
- Fixed 3D Ground Truth message type for ROS
- Fixed 3D and 2D Ground Truth bounding box locations
[2019.07] - 2019-08-09#
- Separate Asset Bundles for environments and vehicles
- Fully deterministic physics simulation
- Faster-than-real-time capability with Python API
- Lanelet2 HD map format import/export
- Ability to edit sensor configuration dynamically
- Multi-user support - account login allows different users to login to one machine running simulator
- BorregasAve 3D environment as a default provided map
- AutonomouStuff 3D environment as a default provided map of parking lot
- SingleLaneRoad 3D environment as a default provided map
- CubeTown 3D environment as a default provided map
- Lexus RX and Lincoln MKZ vehicle support
- LiDAR outputs intensity value based on reflectivity of material (instead of color)
- Support for Apollo 5.0
- Support for Autoware 1.12
- Light reflections on road from wetness
- Better sky rendering, including clouds
- Ability to import point cloud files for visualization
- User interface - use web UI for main user interaction
- Render pipeline - Unity High Definition Render Pipeline
- Significantly improved LiDAR simulation performance using multithreading
- Improved map annotation for easier use in Editor
- Improved point cloud generation from 3D environment in Editor
- Support for Duckiebot, EP_rigged, SF_rigged, Tugbot vehicles
- Support for SimpleLoop, SimpleMap, SimpleRoom, Duckietown, DuckieDownTown, SanFrancisco, Shalun maps
[2019.05 and older]#
Please see release notes for previous versions on our Github releases page.