Instructions to build standalone executable

When a terminal is mentioned, it refers to:

cmd.exe on Windows

Terminal on Ubuntu

  1. Download and Install Unity Hub

    • Ubuntu: You may need to allow the downloaded AppImage to be run as an executable
      • Right-click the AppImage
      • Select Properties
      • Go to the Permissions tab
      • Check Allow executing file as program
      • Alternatively, in the terminal run sudo chmod +x UnityHub.AppImage
  2. Download and Install Unity 2019.3.3f1 from the Unity Download Archive:

    • IMPORTANT include Mono support for both Windows and Linux when installing Unity
    • (Optional) include support for Visual Studio for easier debugging
    • Windows
      • Click the Unity Hub button to have Unity Hub handle the installation process
    • Ubuntu
      • Right click the Unity Hub button and select Copy Link Address
      • In a terminal, type <PATH_TO_UNITY_HUB> <COPIED_LINK>
        • The copied link will be in the form unityhub://Unity-VERSION/XXXXXX (e.g. unityhub://2019.3.3f1/7ceaae5f7503)
        • Thus, if the Unity Hub application is in the current directory, type ./UnityHub.AppImage unityhub://2019.3.3f1/7ceaae5f7503
      • Unity Hub will open and guide you through the installation of Unity Editor
    • Verify installation
      • Under the Installs tab of Unity Hub there should be the expected version shown. In the bottom-left corner of the version, there should be an icon of the other OS (e.g. on a Linux computer, the Windows logo will be shown)
  3. Download and Install Node.js

    • Version 12.16.1 LTS is fine
    • Windows
      • Download and run the .msi
    • Ubuntu
      • The instructions are from the NodeJS Github
        • curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
        • sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
    • Verify installation
      • Open a terminal and type node --version
      • v12.16.1 should print out
  4. Make sure you have git-lfs installed before cloning the Simulator repository.

    • Instructions for installation are here
    • Verify installation
      • In a terminal enter git lfs install
      • > Git LFS initialized. should print out
  5. Clone simulator from GitHub

    • Open a terminal and navigate to where you want the Simulator to be downloaded to
      • e.g. If you want the Simulator in your Documents folder, use cd in the terminal so that the input for the terminal is similar to /Documents$
    • git clone --single-branch
    • Verify download
      • The git clone will create a Simulator folder
      • Open a File Explorer and navigate to where the Simulator folder is
      • Navigate to Simulator/Assets/Materials/EnvironmentMaterials/
      • There should be a EnvironmentDamageAlbedo.png in this folder
      • Open the image, it should be a mostly grey square that looks like concrete
      • If the image cannot be opened, Git LFS was not installed before cloning the repository
        • Install Git LFS following step 4
        • In a terminal, navigate to the Simulator folder so that the terminal is similar to /Simulator$
        • git lfs pull
        • Check the image again
  6. Run Unity Hub

  7. In the Projects tab, click Add and select the Simulator folder that was created by git clone in Step 5

  8. In the Projects tab, verify that the Simulator is using Unity Version 2019.3.3f1 from the dropdown

  9. Double-click the name of the project to launch Unity Editor

  10. Open a terminal and navigate to the WebUI folder of the Simulator project

    • Window ex. C:\Users\XXX\Documents\Simulator\WebUI
    • Linux ex. /home/XXX/Projects/Simulator/WebUI
  11. In the terminal run npm install to install dependencies, do this only once or if dependencies change inside packages.json file

    • The output will be similar to below

  12. In Unity Editor run Build WebUi... in Unity: Simulator -> Build WebUI...

  13. Open Build... in Unity: Simulator -> Build...

  14. Check the Environments, Vehicles, and Sensors that should be generated as AssetBundles

    • The Simulator repository does not contain any Environments, Vehicles, or Sensors. They are separate repositories on GitHub
    • See assets documentation for information on how to add Environments and Vehicles
    • They will be located in a folder called AssetBundles in the folder selected as the build location
    • These may also be built separately from the Simulator. In this case they will be put into Simulator/AssetBundles folder of the project
  15. (Optional) Click Build to only build the AssetBundles. Load the LoaderScene.unity and click the Play button at the top of the editor to start the simulator.

  16. Select the Target OS for the build

    • This is only used when building the Simulator. AssetBundles are built for Linux and Windows automatically
  17. Verify Build Simulator is checked for the Simulator to be built

  18. Select a folder that the simulator will be built in

  19. (Optional) Check Development Build to create a Development Build

  20. Click Build

    • NOTE You will get an error when building AssetBundles if either Windows or Linux support is not installed in Unity
      • Open Unity Hub and go to the Installs tab
      • Click the vertical 3-dots next to the Unity version of the Simulator
      • Click Add Modules
      • Check Windows Build Support (Mono) or Linux Build Support (Mono)
      • Click Done

Test Simulator top#

  1. Ubuntu - Install Vulkan userspace library

    sudo apt-get install libvulkan1

  2. Double-click the Simulator.exe that was built

  3. Select graphics options then press Ok

  4. Click Open Browser

  5. In the Maps tab, Add new map with the URL to an environment assetbundle

  6. ex. C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\Simulator\AssetBundles\environment_borregasave

  7. In the Vehicles tab, Add new vehicle with the URL to a vehicle assetbundle

  8. ex. C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\Simulator\AssetBundles\vehicle_jaguar2015xe

  9. (Optional) Add a keyboard control "sensor" to the vehicle to enable driving

  10. Click the wrench icon next to the vehicle name
  11. In the text box insert [{"type": "Keyboard Control", "name": "Keyboard Car Control"}]

  12. In the Simulations tab, Add new simulation with the added map and vehicle

  13. Press the Play button

  14. The Unity window should now show a vehicle in the built environment