Cluster Simulation Quickstart

Start Simulators top#

Cluster Simulation requires a single Simulator application running in the master mode and at least one Simulator application running in the client mode on another machine. Each Simulator application has to be running and waiting for the simulation start.

See Configuration File and Command-Line Parameters for details on how to set up the Simulator on each machine in a cluster.

Prepare The Cluster top#

Open the WebUI on the machine where the Simulator application is running in the master mode and prepare a cluster with all the clients' IP addresses.

See Clusters Tab for details on how to set up a cluster in the WebUI.

Prepare And Start A Simulation top#

Open the WebUI on the machine where the Simulator application is running in the master mode and prepare a simulation that uses prepared cluster with the clients' IP addresses. Start the simulation, the master will try to establish a connection with the clients if successful the simulation will start on each machine. Note that clients will download required maps and vehicles' asset bundles, this may cause an additional delay when starting a simulation.