2021.1.1 Release Features

Interactive 3D visualizer for creating sensor configurations top#

With the 2021.1.1 release, the new interactive 3D sensor configuration visualizer helps you create or modify sensor configurations for your vehicles. The 3D visual editor is integrated with the parameter editor and allows you to visually place sensors around the vehicle.

HD Map Preview for uploaded assets top#

You can now preview an interactive HD map in your browser before choosing the map asset to use in the simulation. This will help you check if the road network on this 3D map is suitable for your desired simulation test case and scenario.

Tutorials on all web user interface pages top#

We now have tutorial videos on all web user interface pages to better guide you on the workflow for a particular feature.

Support for sharing private assets, simulations and test reports top#

You can now share your private maps, vehicles, plugins, simulations and test reports with other registered users through the web user interface. This enables you to share uploaded content and simulations with team members or other collaborators, as well as quickly reproduce and verify others' results.

Bug fixes and improvements top#

For a full list of bug fixes, improvements, and all other changes since the last release, please see the release notes.