Distributed Components

DistributedComponent is an abstract class with the implementation of sending snapshots from the authoritative object to all connected peers. For example DistributedTransform synchronize transforms states in the clients' simulations to the corresponding transform state on the master basing on the position, rotation and scale sent in the snapshots. DistributedTransform component added to GameObject in the simulation will synchronize the transform, note that every DistributedComponent requires a DistributedObject added to the same GameObject or any parent GameObject.

Custom Distributed Component top#

Extending the DistributedComponent component requires the following implementations:

  • ComponentKey property, if multiple components of this type are allowed in a single GameObject it has to be a unique key otherwise, it can be for example class name.
  • GetSnapshot method which returns snapshot data inside a ByteStack object (refer to Distributed Messages for more information about ByteStack).
  • ApplySnapshot method which parses and applies the snapshot data from the message content to the object. Note that the ApplySnapshot method has to pop data in reverse order than GetSnapshot is pushing data.

Distributed Components With Deltas top#

A snapshot includes data required to recreate the same state on the client. Sending the whole snapshot with a whole object's state when only a single element changes will contain too much redundant data. DistributedComponentWithDeltas extends the basic implementation with two methods:

  • SendDelta which sends the message with passed delta data inside a ByteStack object.
  • ApplyDelta abstract method which parses and applies the delta data from the message content to the object. Note that the SendDelta method has to pop data in reverse order than ApplyDelta is pushing data.

Distributed Transform top#

DistributedTransform sends local position, local rotation and local scale of a transform component in the snapshots from the master to the clients. Only a single DistributedTransform component can be attached to a GameObject. Snapshots are send up to 60 times per second only if any element of the snapshot changes. The snapshots limit can be changed on the master by changing the SnapshotsPerSecondLimit property value

Distributed Rigidbody top#

DistributedRigidbody sends the position and rotation of the rigidbody in the same GameObject from the master to the clients. With the default setting snapshots are just applied to the rigidbodies. It is possible to change SimulationType to ExtrapolateVelocities, with this setting DistributedRigidbody extrapolates received velocity and angular velocity. Applied position and rotation includes the corrections calculated from the extrapolated velocities. Snapshots are send up to 60 times per second only if rigidbody is not in sleeping mode. The snapshots limit can be changed on the master by changing the SnapshotsPerSecondLimit property value