Sensor Plugins#
Sensor plugins are custom sensors that can be added to a vehicle configuration. Sensor plugins
must be built by the simulator and the resultant bundle named sensor_XXX
must be placed in
the AssetBundles/Sensors
folder. If running the binary, this folder is included in the downloaded .zip.
If running in Editor, the sensor will be built into the folder directly.
This must be done before running the simulator (running the executable or pressing Play
in the Editor).
The sensor can be added to a vehicle configuration just like other sensors, see here
Building sensor plugins to bundle is done as below
1. Open Simulator -> Build...
menu item
2. Select sensor plugins in "Sensor" section of build window
3. Build plugins with "Build" button
To make sensor plugin, create folder in Assets/External/Sensors
, for example Assets/External/Sensors/CustomCameraSensor
Inside this folder you must place sensor prefab with same name (CustomCameraSensor.prefab
) that
will be used by simulator to instantiate at runtime. This prefab must have the sensor script added to the root of the prefab.
To create a prefab:
- Right-click in the scene hierarchy and select
Create Empty
- Change the name to the name of the sensor (e.g.
) - In the Inspector for this object, select
Add Component
- Search for the sensor script
- Drag this object from the scene hierarchy into the project folder
Additionally you can place C# scripts which will be compiled & bundled with prefab, as well as any additional Unity resources (shaders, materials, textures, etc...).
Sensor plugins must have SensorType
attribute which specifies the kind of sensor being
implemented as well as the type of data that the sensor sends over the bridge. In addition,
it must have SensorBase
as the base class and must implement the Initialize
, Deinitialize
, OnBridgeSetup
, OnVisualize
and OnVisualizeToggle
methods. Sensors can optionally include CheckVisible
method to prevent NPC or Pedestrians from spawning in bounds of the sensor. If the sensor can be simulated on the client machine in a distributed simulation, see sensors distribution to learn how to configure it. See the below codeblock from the ColorCamera sensor:
namespace Simulator.Sensors
// The SensorType's name will match the `type` when defining a sensor in the JSON configuration of a vehicle
// The requiredType list is required if data will be sent over the bridge. It can otherwise be empty.
// Publishable data types are:
// CanBusData, CLockData, Detected2DObjectData, Detected3DObjectData, DetectedRadarObjectData,
// GpsData, ImageData, ImuData, PointCloudData, SignalData, VehicleControlData
[SensorType("Custom Color Camera", new[] { typeof(ImageData)})]
// Inherits Monobehavior
// SensorBase also defines the parameters Name, Topic, and Frame
public partial class CustomCameraSensor : SensorBase
private Camera Camera;
IBridge Bridge;
IWriter<ImageData> Writer;
// These public variables can be set in the JSON configuration
[Range(1, 128)]
public int JpegQuality = 75;
// By adding the AnalysisMeasurement tag, the last recorded value of this field
// will be reported in the analysis tab in WISE. MeasurementType allows you to
// control what units the field will be represented with
public float TargetFPS = 0f;
// Called to initialize the sensor plugin
protected override void Initialize()
// Called to deinitialize the sensor plugin
protected override void Deinitialize()
//Sets up the bridge to send this sensor's data
public override void OnBridgeSetup(IBridge bridge)
Bridge = bridge;
Writer = bridge.AddWriter<ImageData>(Topic);
// Defines how the sensor data will be visualized in the simulator
public override void OnVisualize(Visualizer visualizer)
Debug.Assert(visualizer != null);
visualizer.UpdateRenderTexture(Camera.activeTexture, Camera.aspect);
// Called when user toggles visibility of sensor visualization
// This function needs to be implemented, but otherwise can be empty
public override void OnVisualizeToggle(bool state)
// Called when NPC and Pedestrian managers need to check if visible by sensor
// camera or bounds before placing object in scene
public override void CheckVisible(Bounds bounds)
var activeCameraPlanes = GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes(Camera);
return GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(activeCameraPlanes, bounds);
// Sensors can implement custom analysis event callbacks for failing criteria,
// collect relevant data and log it in the post simulation analysis. id should
// be ego vehicle id which all sensors are childed to
private void LowFPSEvent(uint id)
Hashtable data = new Hashtable
{ "Id", id },
{ "Type", "LowFPS" },
{ "Time", SimulatorManager.Instance.GetSessionElapsedTimeSpan().ToString() },
in inherited from Unity's Monobehavior so any of the Messages
can be used to control how and when the sensor collects data.
Open-source examples are available: